Graduate Student Town Hall – Return to Campus Updates Friday, 12/18 12 p.m. EST

December 11, 2020

The Graduate College will be hosting a virtual Town Hall for graduate students Friday, 12/18 at 12 p.m. EST to provide the latest updates and help answer your questions regarding Drexel’s ongoing response to COVID-19 and our campus community plans. 

Specifically, we will focus on: 

  • Return to Campus Updates- Winter Quarter/Spring Semester and Future Terms 

  • Academic Support, Advising and Grading 

  • Research Ramp Up 

Graduate Student Town Hall – Return to Campus Updates
Friday, Dec. 18, 2020 
12 – 1 p.m. EST


Please click the link below to register in advance with your Drexel email address by Wednesday, Dec. 16: 


The goal of this Town Hall is to provide the latest updates and to answer any specific questions you have as graduate students and researchers. Representatives from several Drexel offices will be available to respond to your questions. To ensure maximum efficiency in addressing your questions, we invite our graduate student community members to submit your questions in advance via the Zoom registration link aboveWe will do our best to address as many of your questions as possible during the webinar. 


We will be joined by: 

  • Marla Gold, MD, Vice Provost Community Health Care Innovation, Dean Emerita and Professor of Health Management and Policy, Dornsife School of Public Health 

  • Aleister Saunders, PhD, Executive Vice Provost for Research & Innovation 

  • Katie Zamulinsky, PhD, Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Life 

  • Giuseppe Salomone, PhD, Executive Director and University Registrar 

  • Michelle Spina, MS, Director, Inter-College Advising 

  • Anne Converse Willkomm, MFA, Assistant Dean, Graduate College, Assistant Clinical Professor and Department Head, Goodwin College of Professional Studies 


We hope you will join us and our panelists as they outline continued plans for returning to campus and address specific student questions and concerns. 


Please note that the Town Hall webinar will be recorded for later viewing. Please register to receive the link to the town hall recording. The link will also be posted to the Graduate College website.


You should also consult with your college or school officials and graduate academic advisor(s) regarding any college, school, department or program-specific updates. 


As always for the latest updates, please visiDrexel’s Response to Coronavirus website.


-Graduate College Team